Practical Tips to Save Money on Home Heating: Expert Advice from

At, we understand that heating and hot water bills can be a significant expense for households in the UK. To help you save money while staying warm and comfortable, we have compiled a list of useful advice on how to maximize the efficiency of your central heating system. By following these tips, you can reduce energy consumption, cut costs, and contribute to a greener environment.

Practical Tips to Save Money on Home Heating: Expert Advice from

Central Heating based on Boilers and Radiators:


The most common form of central heating in the UK involves boilers and radiators. Here are some practical steps you can take to make your heating system more energy-efficient:

  1. Install Heating Controls: Invest in heating controls, such as a room thermostat, timer, or programmer, to maintain a comfortable temperature without wasting heat. Thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) will also enable individual room heating control.
  2. Check for Sedbuk-Compatibility: Ensure your boiler has a minimum efficiency of 88% to comply with the law and minimize energy wastage.
  3. Consider Solar-Energy Based Heating: Switching to solar water heating can reduce carbon emissions, cut down bills, and provide hot water throughout the year.
  4. Insulate Your Home: Proper house insulation minimizes heat loss, keeping your home warm for longer and reducing overall energy consumption.
  5. Add Chemical Inhibitors: Use chemical inhibitors to prevent corrosion in your central heating system, ensuring its efficiency and longevity.


Central Heating based on Electric Storage Heaters:

Electric storage heaters are commonly found in houses without gas connections. Here's how to save energy with this type of heating:

  1. Install Controls: Optimize your energy usage by understanding and using the controls effectively.
  2. Set the Right Temperature: Find the lowest comfortable temperature and consider lowering the thermostat by 1 degree to save around 10% on energy bills.
  3. Be Mindful of Usage: Turn your heating on only when needed, and set it to turn on 30 minutes before you require warmth.
  4. Check Your Boiler Flow Temperature: Adjust the boiler flow temperature to the optimal level for your heating needs.


Tips to Keep Heat in Your Home:

To reduce the need for constant heating, focus on retaining heat within your home:

  1. Close Curtains and Blinds: Keep curtains and blinds closed at night to retain heat, but open them during the day to let sunlight warm your rooms.
  2. Block Draughts: Identify and block gaps and cracks in your home to minimize heat loss.
  3. Use Secondary Glazing Film: For single-glazed windows, consider using secondary glazing film to improve insulation.
  4. Use Heated Throws or Blankets: Opt for heated throws or blankets to stay warm without turning up the heating.


Conclusion to Save Money on Home Heating:


Saving money on heating while maintaining comfort is achievable by implementing these practical tips. At, we are committed to helping you create a more energy-efficient home. By making these simple changes, you can enjoy a warmer home, reduced energy bills, and a positive impact on the environment.

Remember, even small changes can add up to significant savings, so start implementing these money-saving tips today!


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