
With energy bills on the rise and the winter chill firmly set in for the coming months, the experts here at TradePlumbing have conducted a handy guide of tips to stay warm this season. 

1) Beat the Draught

Add draught excluders around the bottom of doors, and make sure your window frames and keyholes aren’t letting in the chill by installing draught-proofing strips or silicone around the frames. 

Also, make sure you open your curtains during the day to let as much natural light in as possible, adding warmth to your home; just ensure you close them over again before it gets dark to avoid the cold seeping back in. 


2) Be Savvy with your Heating

Set your thermostat to 18 degrees when you’re home and turn on the radiators in the rooms you will occupy while turning off the rest in your property; this makes sense as there is no need to heat a hallway or spare room unless you desperately need somewhere to dry your socks! 

Once your rooms reach your desired temperature, close the doors to keep the warmth from escaping. 

Maintaining control with radiator thermostatic valves will save you significant money in the long run. Using hot water bottles and electric heaters overnight is also a good idea if you can’t cope without a heat source during your sleeping hours. 

3) Layer Up 

It may seem an obvious solution, but wearing slippers, dressing gowns, and an extra jumper can help remove the chill without the need to turn on your heating.  

Another excellent option is investing in some thermal layers, such as vests and leggings, that you can wear throughout the day to stay warm, a particularly significant investment for those of us who work from home. 


4) Add some Movement to your Day

During your work-from-home lunch hour, why not add some movement to get the blood flowing, work up a sweat and improve your mental health and productivity, too? 

Aside from a good burst of exercise, walking around the office or workspace every hour or so prevents you from feeling the chill and keeps morale up!


5) Eat Warm Food and Drinks

If you're sitting for long periods at a desk over winter, add some warming foods to your work day, such as soups and stews, and don’t forget a trusty cuppa, which will go a long way in helping keep you warm. 

At TradePlumbing, we want all our customers to feel as comfortable as possible over winter. Check out our handy blog for more tips and tricks for all your plumbing needs, and browse our massive selection of central heating products to make the most of your space this season. Contact us for more information; we’ll be glad to assist.