One of the most commonly asked questions our customer services teams are asked is ‘How do I increase the water pressure in my home?’ It’s no surprise that this question gets asked either. There’s nothing more annoying than living in a house with low water pressure, baths take ages to run, showers are disappointing and it can even hinder your washing up! We discuss a few possible causes for low water pressure in your home and what you can do about it.

Neighbours all have low water pressure

If you and your neighbours all suffer from low water pressure, it’s likely that your regional water supplier is responsible. Often their infrastructure simply isn’t good enough to cope with demand and placing pressure (no pun intended) on them to improve their service can be effective. Organise a petition and get ready to fight for it!

If this is the case, you would likely benefit from a Water Pressure Pump for your home, something we will introduce later in this post.

Neighbours have good water pressure

If your neighbours have good water pressure, but you don’t – you may need to upgrade the pipes across your home, as it is likely that they could have become clogged over the years. A reputable plumber should be used to inspect the system and may recommend replacing your pipes and fixtures.

Low Water Pressure with a Combi Boiler

If your combi boiler is struggling to provide the hot water you need across your home, it’s likely that it’s time to replace it with a newer, more economical model. Alternatively, if you don’t want the expense of replacing your boiler, replacing your shower with an electric shower could help solve the problem in the short term.

Low Water Pressure just in the Shower

If your low water pressure is just confined to your shower, it may be time to replace the shower head. Shower heads over time can become heavily built up with limescale and other muck, so a simple clean or replacement can do wonders. There are also specific low water pressure shower heads available, which help provide a more fulfilling showering experience in homes with low water pressure.

Domestic Water Pressure Pumps

One of the easiest and cost-effective ways of increasing water pressure across your home is to invest in a HomeBoost Pump from Salamander. These pumps intelligently measure the water supply which enters your home and kicks in whenever the water pressure falls under the legal limit of 12 litres per minute. Both our customers and employees have used these pumps to great effect and the pump is quickly and simply installed onto the incoming mains water. Better still, we offer these pumps with fantastic discounts.